Trains from Cracow to krynica:
Station | Stop | Departure | Arrival | Time of travel |
Krakow | Krynica | 10:32 | 15:49 | 5:17 |
Krakow | Krynica | 14:05 | 19:30 | 5:25 |
Krakow | Krynica | 16:40 | 21:49 | 5:09 |
Single- fare- ticket- electric train 23 zł about 6 €- 2nd class, 35 zł about 9 €- 1st class, electric train- 19 zł about 7,5 € – 2nd class.
Trains– from Warsaw to Krynica:
Station | Stop | Departure | Arrival | Time of travel |
Warszawa | Krynica | 20:51 | 6:55 | 10:04 |
Warszawa | Krynica | 6:05 | 13:22 | 7:17 |
Run on Saturdays and Sundays on 1&.04, 3.05, 15.06, 15.08
Single- fare- ticket- fast train 53 zł about 14 €- 2nd class, 80 zł about 22 €- 1st class, express train- 87 zł about 24 € – 2nd class, 123 zł about 33 €- 1st class.
Railway Stations:
Central Station (Dworzec Kolejowy PKP) is located in the city center (al. Nowotarskiego) ul. Ibesrska next to Bus Station
For more information how to book the tickets you have to call tel.+48 18 471 40 76, website: