Railway Stations:
There are 3 main Railway Stations: Western Warsaw (Warszawa Zachodnia), Central Warsaw (Warszawa Centralna), Eastern Warsaw (Warszawa Wschodnia).
Central Station is located in the city center (Al. Jerozolimskie 54).
Western Railway Station is recommended to those who wish to continue their trip by bus.
Suburban transport service stations: Warszawa Śródmieście, Warszawa Wschodnia, Warszawa Zachodnia, Warszawa Wileńska, Warszawa Gdańska.
Information about train timetables on website: www.pkp.pl, tel. + 48 22 94 36, or +48 22 94 31, information about fares tel. +48 22 524 50 40. Train tickets can be purchased at some additional cost from the driver.