Town: Olsztyn

Voivodeship: Warmia and Masuria

Distance in km:
to Cracow – 500 km
to Warsaw – 210 km
to Gdańsk – 170 km
to Poznań – 340 km
to Wrocław – 520 km

Olsztyn has about 173 thousands inhabitants.
Occupy an area of 88 square km.

Communal Transport Services in Olsztyn:
There are a few bus companies operating in Olsztyn region.
Communal Transport Service MPK and Olsztyńska Korporacja OK.
Buses run on a daily basis, besides tourist lines.
Tickets for communal Olsztyn transport can be bought at any RUCH kiosk, or from the drivers at some extra cost.
– Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne MPK, ul. Kołobrzeska 40, tel. + 48 89 533 01 61, website:  
– Olsztyńska Korporacja , ul. Towarowa 20 a, tel. + 48 89 534 51 10, website:

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