Obiekt Konferencyjno-Szkoleniowy

62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne ner Poznań ul. Poznańska 139 

The HOTEL 500 in Tarnowo Podgóme, located 28 km away from downtown Poznań, provides accommodation services to those visiting Poznań or traveling along the Warsaw – Berlin E30 route. At the same time, it is a training/conference center with 12 conference rooms with Internet connection. Modular layout and the partitioning of the largest of our conference rooms make it possible to deliver training sessions to sub-groups of different size. The Hotel welcomes disabled guests. Thanks to its convenient location in the proximity of a golf course, stud farm and lake, the Hotel offers its guests leisure opportunities that suit their particular needs. Our professional staff, excellent cuisine and affordable prices are HOTEL 500’s greatest strengths. We cordially invite you to our Hotel!

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