The fans of water sports are very fond of watching the world from their kayaks; the kayaking is not only an adventure or a sports experience for them. In winter, even a relatively wide river course turns into a narrow pipe with a very rapid current. The heaps of snow on the riverbank have fantastic shapes and the trees and tussocks of grass are covered with hoarfrost. The beauty of nature is at your arm’s length. Winter kayaking is very exciting. Sometimes the river that is quite safe in summer may become a threat in wintertime. Dangerous are encounters with the floating ice-cakes, and the ice-covered riverbank makes getting into the kayaks hazardous. Difficulties of winter kayaking do not bother those who enthusiastically gather for years to welcome the New Year on the watercourse of the Czarna Woda (northern Poland) and raise a toast sitting in their kayaks. Here at the beginning of February, the National Winter Kayaking Trip is organized on the distance of twenty-eight kilometres.