Henryka Sienkiewicza St. 23, 50-335 Wrocław
An oasis of beauty and restfulness.
This is what our Botanical Garden is called and such is its importance for the 7 hundred thousand inhabitants of Wrocaw. Beautifully situted in the oldest part of the city, i.e. Ostrw Tumski, nearby monumental Gothic churches, the Garden is an attractive centre of recreation for numerous visitors; the vegetation ravishes the eye with its seasonally changing beauty. The Garden was established as a scientific institution of Wrocaw University in 1811, the year of its foundation. It ows its existence to cognoscitive passion and zeal for collecting, studying and cultivating plants, and is a result of acclimatization research and continual enrichment of the collection with new species and varieties. The plants grown here come both from natural sites and botanical gardens, the staff permanently co-operating with ca 300 gardens worldwide. The plants, grouped in sections, provide material for classes and scientific research. The Garden gives schoolchildren and students an opportunity to learn botany through live lessons, and enables lovers of nature to find out its secrets. (A geological cross-section) One of the Gardens peculiarities is a geological cross-section of hard coal deposit from the environs of Wałbrzych, built more than 100 years ago in the alpinarium area. Dark coal-seams are separated by layers of sedimentary rocks: sandstones and shales. The section has been encrusted with fossils of extinct plants (no 1-6), which, during millions of years, turned into hard coal.