One of the most important things that affects a trip to Poland (and not only to Poland, of course 🙂 is the weather. Unfortunately, at this moment it is not within our services to book the weather that suits you, but who knows, maybe in the future it will be possible. Therefore, here is a bit of information about the weather in Poland that you may encounter depending on the date of your arrival in Poland.

Poland has a temperate changeable climate. Spring starts in March with temperatures varying from the mid 30’s to the low 60’s °F (-1 to 15 °C), until about May or June. July is the hottest month, but the rest of the summer is also quite warm with temperatures ranging from the mid 70’s into the low 90’s °F (21 to 33 °C). September marks the beginning of Poland’s autumn, when the days become more damp and foggy until about December. In winter time temperature drops to a few degrees below zero.

Among the most popular weather services are


The weather channel

BBC Weather

Wishing you always good weather, welcome to Poland !

ExcitingPoland Team