This youngest of all Polish religious shrines is located 42 km west of Warsaw. The venerated figure of Our Lady is placed in a niche of the church tympanum. The cult of the place is mainly due to the founder of the local monastery, Father Maksymilian Kolbe. This Franciscan monk died a martyr’s death in the Nazi concentration and death camp of Auschwitz. is a perfect place for a leisurely stroll. Unveiled in 1926, the Chopin Monument is sited just behind the middle entrance to the park. Open-air Chopin concerts are held here in summer, invariably drawing crowds of music lovers and casual passers-by. Scattered around the park are the historical buildings of the Palace on the Isle, Amphitheatre, Myślewice Palace, and a few others. The Royal Way ends up with the Belvedere Palace, until recently the Polish White House.