Stowarzyszenie Festiwal Kultury Żydowskiej
ul. Józefa 36, 31-056 Kraków

An internationally acclaimed event organized in Kazimierz – the Jewish Quarter of Cracow; concerts in the synagogue andeateries, performances by street troupes, exhibitions, workshop of Chassidim dance and song, held in June/July.

The Jewish Culture Festival in Cracow is one of the most important and largest events of its kind in the world. The First Festival took place in 1988 and its program focused on a scholarly conference on the encounter between two cultures, Jewish and Polish. It was a modest occasion but it turned out to have enormous significance, considering the boldness of the subject matter, upon which the communist authorities of the day looked askance.

Shaped by outstanding figures in various fields of Jewish culture and art, the Festival became over time a place where Jews and non-Jews from all over the world could meet. They are linked by the shared values that they find in Kazimierz and Cracow , the space of the Festival. For over a week, Kazimierz resounds with synagogue song, klezmer music, and Hasidic, classical, and Jewish folk music. There are films, performances, presentations, and exhibitions to see and stories told by the Jews about their culture to listen to.